Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is an uncontrollable growth of cells that damage surrounding tissue. The surrounding tissue that can be damaged are, throat, tongue, lips, floor of the mouth, and cheeks. The survival chances from head and neck are very good when treated early. Elimating the risk factors of what causes oral cancer can increase your chances of not developing oral cancer.
What are the risk factors that causes oral cancer?
- Tobacco:
There are many chemicals in tobacco, and there are over 70 chemcials in tobacco that are known to be cancerous. For example, lead is one of the many other checmicals found in tobacco. In organic lead it can be carcinogenic to humans. Not to mention excessive amount of lead in a human body can cause death. People who use tobacco are at high risk of lung cancer. It's estimated 90 percent of lung cancer is related to active tobacco smokers.
- Heavy Alcohal Use:
Drinking alcohol can cause mouth cancer, the chemical from alcohol acetaldehyde can damages your DNA and prevents your body from repairing the damage. With tobacco and alcohol combined you are multiplying your risks on getting oral cancer and many other kinds of cancer. Alcohol affects the skin of the mouth allowing tobacco toxins to pass through easier. About 70 percent of people diagnosed with oral cancer are heavy drinkers.
- HPV and Oropharyngeal Cancer:
HPV are cancer realated,there are types of HPV that can lead to number of cancer. One of which is oropharynheal cancer (throat),smoking and HPV together give higher risk of developing this kind of cancer. There are no test available to detect early stages of HPV-throat positive cancer. The signs to this kind of cancer can be discovered by your dentist during your routine dental examination. Fortunately, HPV- throat cancer has a survival rate of 80-90 percent.
Signs of Oral Cancer
It's always best to have awareness to the changes of your body. Often time it's easier to ignore the signs and syptoms that your body is trying to tell you.Talk to your physician or dentist if you find or feel any abnormalities in your body. Remember the sooner you take action to better your health, the greater chance you'll have to elimnate any future health problems.
- Persistent pain in the mouth.
- Velvety white,red, or speckled (red and white) patch in the mouth that is persistent.
- Mouth sore that does not heal.
- Difficulty chewing, swallowing, speaking, or moving the tongue.
- Unexplained bleeding in the mouth.
- Mouth that bleeds spontaneously.
- Hard,raised lesion (lumo), crusts, eroded areas on the lips,gums, or other area on the lips, gums, or other areas inside the mouth.
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