Straighten Up Your Crooked Teeth With Six Months Smiles…@ #NikhilPatelDMD #Worcester #MA.

The treatment utilizes #clearbrackets with tooth-colored memory wires that are nearly invisible when positioned over the teeth, and as the name implies, they provide predictable short-term results and straighten teeth over#SixMonthPeriod for the average case. The focus is to correct and realign#crooked, #overcrowded, or #spacesbetweenteeth, #highcanines,#reversesmiles, #overbites. This treatment is to provide patients with a great smile in a short period of time. It’s simple, stress-free, and efficient. Call #NikhilPatelDMD now #508-756-5141 for painless and affordable dental care.

Dr. Patel Nikhil Patel, DMD Dentist

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